Take advantage of the advice and services of your independent broker 

Our advices

Portfolio Management

Financial planning

Tax optimisation

Capital or lump-sum

By choosing Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care as its partner, you use a professional that will guide you for insurance and pension matters.

Thanks to your teams’expertise and our strict process we support your actions and simplify the management of your insurance portfolio.
The option of a single provider allows you to optimise your costs and have a single efficient contact with a global overview of your insurance needs.

Discover our methodology:




Analysis of needs

Although it is a key step in managing your insurance, it is often overlooked. Yet a solution can only be effective if it actually meets your needs. An initial exploratory interview and an analysis of your current policies will enable our consultants to define your expectations.

The insurer’s negotiation

As independent brokers, our role is to constantly challenge insurers and, based on specifications agreed with our clients, we organise calls for tenders in all fairness and transparency.


A daily follow-up

The management of your insurance portfolio requires constant monitoring to reach the best optimisation while mastering all parameters. As independent brokers, it is our role to handle your contracts and to accompany you in risk management.
Our team of experts will guide you through all stages of contracts management. Thanks to their market knowledge and to the good understanding of your needs, a personalised action plan will be established for every insurance cover.
Building a financial estate to achieve long-term personal goals often requires financial planning.
With financial planning, you receive a comprehensive analysis that considers all financial aspects. Your needs change throughout life, and we help you plan your budget over the long term.

As part of your wealth creation strategy, the tax aspects represent a significant benefit to consider.

Whether at the cantonal or federal level, our experts advise you in your choice of solutions.

A choice with long term consequences.

With negative interest rates and the drop in the predicted pensions, the option of choosing a capital or a lump-sum for our retirement has become a big question.
The current way of life shows new family structures (stepfamily, single-parent family, PACS, etc.) and requires new thoughts in terms of occupational pension benefits.
Our experts can help you find solutions that fit your personal situation and the following points: guaranteed income, taxation, succession, etc).
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