Our reason for being
Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care, l'héritage d'une longue histoire

Our independence: the best insurance for your company

Etre indépendant dans nos manières de penser, de choisir et d’agir est le fondement de notre éthique. Cette liberté nous autorise à nous positionner en véritables architectes des solutions d’assurance et de prévoyance. Ces solutions sont pleinement orientées sur vos problématiques et vos les besoins spécifiques.

Choisir Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care, c’est choisir un partenaire engagé et responsable qui place votre intérêt avant tout. Gage de confiance et de transparence, notre indépendance nous est précieuse. Pour vous, elle constitue la meilleure assurance de l’excellence que nous vous devons.

Our mission

It is not enough to give the best of ourselves, individually, to achieve your satisfaction. The excellence we provide for you is, above all, the result of our capacity to share and conjugate our expertise internally. Our excellence is, first and foremost, the performance of the whole team.

Our support  depends on providing a dedicated counsellor whose constant concern is the installation of a long-term relationship based on confidence and mutual listening. Therefore, we are committed to simplifying the complexity of risk management intelligently to make it easier to take decisions with full transparency.

With permanent monitoring and the benefit of in-depth knowledge of the markets, our experts systematically undertake a rigorous audit to define precise specifications. Fully independent, they negotiate with insurance companies and pension fund institutions. They then ensure the implementation and management of the contracts. This rigorous methodology, nourished by regular contact, guarantees the excellence of our services.

Through our approach, we prove our unwavering commitment to you and also to our own teams. This is what constantly pushes us to surpass ourselves.

Our values

Entrepreunarial spirit

Imagining a brighter tomorrow means having the spirit of independence and innovation to better support our customers.


Imagining a brighter tomorrow means combining our strengths and expertise to create this dynamic together.


Imagining a brighter tomorrow means imagining the best for every employee and enabling them to work with confidence.

Our strength

Our presence throughout Switzerland thanks to our French-speaking and German-speaking hubs and our 11 offices spread across the country.

Nos forces et différences

Our strength

Our presence throughout Switzerland thanks to our French-speaking and German-speaking hubs and our 11 offices spread across the country.

Our Distinction

  • The expertise of our Insurance & Pension advisors and experts
  • Our unparalleled offering in HR services based on dedicated Caredesks, all based in Switzerland, with HR experts and high-performing IT tools.

Our social and societal commitments

Well-being at work, our priority. Our ambition is to have fulfilled and committed employees. We are therefore working towards:

Well-being and health at work

An attractive social benefits programme, training in psychosocial risks, support for newly recruited employees, sustainability of teleworking.

Diversity in recruitment

More than 10 different nationalities and 24 languages spoken, a wide range of expertise and qualifications (48% are graduates from Universities or higher education), numerous interns and apprentices are welcomed every year.

Support for employees throughout their career

Eencouragement to follow AFA insurance intermediary training for all employees (35 % of employees are AFA graduates).

Our CSR Actions

We have implemented several Codes and charters such as:

  • The Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics
  • The GDPR / nLPD Charter
  • The Telecommuting Charter
  • Carbon footprint
  • The Responsible Purchasing Charter (in progress)
  • EcoVadis 2023
  • Signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (as a subsidiary of Diot-Siaci)

As a Swiss economic player, we support the local fabric through our partnerships with:

  • the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry with which we organise free information webinars for their members;
  • the Geneva Federation of Medical and Social Establishments (FEGEMS): care for the elderly and the ageing of the population are major concerns;
  • humanitarian or charitable associations such as the Geneva League against cancer
  • the social and solidarity economy through our participation in the Support Committee of “Genève pour le Bien Commun” (Geneva for the Common Good) (https://geneve.lanuitdubiencommun.com/)

We are in line with our parent company’s policy.

Dare today to insure tomorrow

Our entrepreneurial temperament and our collective dynamism push us to constantly challenge ourselves to move forward faster and further together. This resolutely proactive posture allows us to be both more audacious and more innovative.

Beyond a rigorous technical expertise in insurances and pension provisions, we can offer tailor-made solutions, created to meet specific needs and contexts. We take pride in addressing the challenges of our market and creating new products that can contribute to its evolution.

Our areas of expertise


Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care perceives itself to be an architect of insurance solutions. While searching for the coverage most adapted to its clients’ requirements, both corporate and individual, Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care has developed a functional agility that guarantees responsiveness and innovation.

Pension provisions

A complete range of solutions to prepare for your retirement and that of your staff, creating savings, reducing taxes and allowing you to build the foundations for a more secure future.

HR Services

The administrative part is important, time-consuming and strongly mobilises the HR teams. By deciding to outsource all or part of these tasks, you give yourself the opportunity to devote yourself fully to your core business: the management of the men and women in the company.

Actuarial counselling

A scientific study to help you make your insurance choices.

Talk to an expert
Our branches