Legal notice

Legal notice of the company Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care


Despite the care paid to ensure the accuracy of the information available on this website, Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care is not liable for the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this information.

Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care expressly reserves the right to amend the contents of this website in whole or in part or to temporarily suspend its circulation at any time without prior notice.

Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care is not liable for any material or immaterial damage that may result from accessing the information circulated or from its use or non-use, from misuse of the connection or from technical problems.

References and links

Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care cannot be held liable for referrals and links to third-party websites. If the user accesses or uses these referred or linked third-party websites, the user does so at its own risk. Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care expressly declares that it has no influence on the form, content and offers of the referred and linked third-party websites. The information and services offered by these third-party websites are the liability of the third-party website operator.

Data protection

Article 13 of the Federal Constitution and the legal provisions of the Swiss Confederation on the protection of personal data stipulate that everyone has the right to the protection of privacy and protection against misuse of personal data. Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care strictly complies with these provisions. Personal data is treated strictly confidentially and is not sold or disclosed to third parties.

Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care makes every reasonable effort, in cooperation with our hosts, to ensure that our databases are protected as much as possible from external intrusions, losses, misuse and falsification.

When accessing our website, the following data is logged: IP address, date/time stamp, browser type, aggregate user data.

This non-personally-identifiable data is used to manage the website, track usage and improve the website services. Under the Federal Act on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications (loi sur la surveillance de la correspondance par poste ou telecommunication, LSCPT), there is a legal obligation to store connection data for at least six months.

However, these rules do not apply to voluntary contacts. When you enter your email address, this address is stored in a separate database that is not connected to anonymous log files. You may cancel your registration at any time.

As part of moves to implement the new European data protection regulations, Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care, a member of the Siaci Saint Honoré Group, will apply the policy for protecting data of a personal nature (GDPR) decreed by the Group. As stipulated by the Siaci Saint Honoré Group, Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care will apply the 7 principles applicable to processing personal data:

  • Lawfulness
  • Fairness and transparency
  • Purpose limitation
  • Data minimisation
  • Accuracy
  • Limited data retention
  • Wholeness, confidentiality and responsibility


All representations, illustrations, photographs and other data available on Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care website are the exclusive property of Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care and/or of the rights-holders. Any reproduction requires the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care assumes no liability or responsibility for:

  • the security of data transmitted over the Internet
  • the possibility that a third party may modify, consult, appropriate, use or exploit data entered by you or Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care.
  • Internet malfunctions, any imported data (introduction of viruses, etc.) as well as links to and from third-party websites.
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