
Manage your risks thanks to our actuarial expertise

Our actuarial studies help our clients in their choice of investments. They also guide them in their choice of insurances.
We work with companies in order to provide our support with analyses, estimates and risk management.

Our services in actuarial counselling

We provide them with pragmatic and adapted solutions over a large perimeter.
  • Evaluate insurance risks with the help of actuarial tools
  • Optimise insurance coverage for personnel with the help of a social data report (SDR) taking into account all the social coverage and also the company’s group contracts
  • Analyse the loss of earnings for illness with the help of absence modelling
Etude actuarielle
Modelling of the total cost of absences for the employer according to the waiting period chosen

Our advantages in actuarial counselling

We guarantee personalised support and place our more than 25 years of expertise at your disposal.
Closer to our clients

Swiss Risk & Care is a company on a human scale. Each of our clients has a dedicated contact within the team of renowned consultants.

Personalised and quality services
You will have the benefit of global professional counselling thanks to our complete risk overview (actuarial, legal, investment). We can guarantee you a total absence of conflict of interest, in conformity with our status as an independent broker.
Our associated services
Our news

The Framework Agreement: “smart” insurance


What if insuring your business became child’s play, and taking out an insurance policy was just a matter of a few clicks? Utopia? Not at all. The dream becomes reality with a framework agreement. Here’s how:
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Pension Plan Innovation


Switzerland, renowned for its robust pension system, is facing major challenges as a result of its aging population and growing economic pressures.
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