
The management of absenteeism: a service to be outsourced

Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care offers integral management of scheduled and unscheduled employee absences in order to relieve companies of this time-consuming task. This service is made up of several modules that you may combine or select independently, depending on your HR policy.
Our HR outsourcing solution is destined to companies, whether or not they are clients of our other services. Our preferred contact is the Human Resource Department with whom we have established trust and close ties based on the strictest data confidentiality to which we have access.

Our absence management service

By outsourcing absence management, you will be able to dedicate your time to your core business.
Planned absence management
Vacation, marriage, maternity and paternity leave, etc. We provide you with the possibility to visualise, in real time, all your employees’ planned absences.
Team management is made easier thanks to the software we place at your disposal.
Unscheduled absence management
We monitor and manage the unplanned absences of your employees. Our main missions:
  • Support for your HR service and employees by our Care Desk Absences
  • Proactive follow-up for cases of accident or illness
  • Management of medical certificates in regard to registered absences
  • Reporting and transmission of claim declarations for accidents or loss of earnings to insurance companies
  • Monitoring of the case’s smooth progress until the settlement (including AI coordination on request)
  • Management of disputes with insurers with the assistance of our case manager, the costs for which are fully assumed by Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care
Control and guidance of absenteeism
Conscious that the quality of life at work (QLW) and the prevention of absenteeism are major issues for companies, Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care now offers you an integrated approach to prevent absenteeism and its serious financial, human and organisational consequences.
Thanks to our two partners, Medgate and Human Touch, we can now activate the three main challenges for the prevention of absenteeism which are absence management, healthcare management and human resources management.

Corporate advantages

Your absenteeism is measured and analysed to allow your HR Department to proactively provide guidance. Discharged from administrative tasks, you can concentrate on the corporate HR strategy and, in a crisis, you can concentrate on the management of priority actions.
Thanks to the support provided to your employees by our Care Desk Absences, you contribute to staff retention.
You outsource absence management to a dedicated team with 15 years of experience who treat absences and claims for more than 100,000 persons insured spread over a large array of companies. This will provide you with a treatment and rigorous follow-up for each employee.
Ethics and confidentiality
You may entrust us with the management of sensitive data with complete peace of mind and confidence thanks to our secure procedures and rules, that are monitored and regularly updated (hosted on Swiss Datacenter ISO27001, with limited access, data management in compliance with GDRP, etc.).
You have a business intelligence tool at your disposal for absence guidance and can provide your employees with a mobile application “Abs & Claims” which they can use to transmit their medical certificates.
Whenever a regulatory or legal change occurs, you will receive full information from us to allow you to effectively communicate with your staff.

Two tools and an ergonomic dashboard

Combined, they allow optimal management and global visibility of all your employees’ absences. A large step forward in managing your absenteeism.
Management software for scheduled absences, PeopleSoft (Oracle) can be configured for each employee (employment rates, days present, etc.) and your company’s HR policy. Interfaced with your own tools, it provides you with visibility in real time of leave and allows you to efficiently organise replacements within teams.

An in-house programme specially developed to meet corporate needs and expectations, Unipro provides management for illness and accident for all your employees. Its configuration and management processes are to be defined together according to your HR policy and your insurance coverage.

Learn more about Unipro

Qlik Sense
Qlik Sens is a reporting module derived from business intelligence that allows the extraction of data from Unipro and, in its advanced version, analysis of key indicators via a compete dashboard.

How to prevent  absenteeism ?

Put in place a precise monitoring of absences

To prevent absences and implement an action plan to improve corporate health and well-being, it is essential to be able to monitor absences precisely. First of all, a distinction must be made between long-term absences (more than 30 days) and short-term absences (less than 30 days). In what would be considered a healthy company, a balance should be found between the two categories in terms of cumulative days. However, it is not the only pertinent indicator, as it is also necessary to understand the evolution of absences and their average length.
A Human Resources Director (HRD) must be able to analyse, in real time, the key figures for the absenteeism of their company by sector, by job, and by team leader, with the help of a dashboard, while comparing them over time.

Analyse the key figures linked to absenteeism

Using these indicators, the HRD is then able to take the pulse of the company and consider a real collective remedy by applying the figures to the information received from the various team leaders. In absence prevention, it is important that these same team leaders are trained to lead their staff following simple but highly efficient rules for the well-being of employees. Moreover, there are numerous courses available for management coaching, and their integration in the career plan of anyone in management appears to have become indispensable today.

Stay in contact with the absent employee

In the context of managing and mastering absences, it must be remembered that regular contact with a person who is suffering is essential. In this way the person maintains contact with their professional world and will feel expected when they are cured.
Communication on reorganisation measures during the period of working in a reduced team must also be clear and requires particular care to avoid demotivating those present. Because, as it is often said, absence engenders absence…
Lastly, it is important to talk about the staff member’s return to work. Principally in the case of long-term absences, it is not feasible to return someone to their workstation without certain precautions.

Consider a therapeutic recovery, often compensated by insurers

The employee who returns after a long illness needs consideration and time to return to a professional rhythm. There are tools available such as therapeutic resumption that must be used. The aim of this return is not to require a direct output from the person, but to allow them a period of readaptation. Quite often, a therapeutic resumption is covered by insurance as it forms an integral part of the illness and allows numerous risks of relapse to be avoided.
The returning employee should also be offered a meeting to explain the tasks performed during their absence and the new projects in progress to them.
As is apparent the subject of absenteeism is complex and that the only way of providing concrete solutions for companies is to master the coordination of the all the actors concerned.
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