
Insurance broker for individuals 

As an insurance broker for individuals, we help you to define your needs regarding insurance and to find suitable solutions in terms of benefits and price. Our experts are there to support you at each step of the way, from the call of tender to the management of your insurance portfolio, not forgetting the negotiation and implementation of your contracts.

Insure my assets

There are numerous insurances for the protection of your assets, both in Switzerland and abroad. Between compulsory insurances and those that are optional, we inform you of the essential coverage you need to efficiently insure everything that belongs to you. Insurance for motor-vehicles, household, civil liability, valuables, travel and repatriation: we can find the solution best adapted to your situation.
Is household insurance compulsory?

Household insurance is optional. However, it is highly recommended as the financial consequences of a disaster can be very heavy. Household insurance covers damages in the event of fire, water damage and theft. In some cantons – Vaud, Fribourg, Jura, Glaris and Nidwald – an insurance against fire and natural events is compulsory.


Choosing my personal insurances

Health, disability, unemployment, litigation…, the hazards of life can seriously affect you and your family. To best anticipate the unexpected, you need to be well insured. Our experts can help you to implement optimal personal insurance solutions that are best adapted to your situation.
How can I reduce the costs of my health insurance?

By making the right choices between the models of insurance and franchises, substantial savings can be made on your basic health insurance (LAMal). You can save up to 60% of your compulsory health insurance premiums! With the help of a powerful comparative tool, our experts in medical expenses can guide you towards the best solutions to reduce your premiums while maintaining complete coverage.

What are the advantages of supplementary health insurance?

Supplementary health insurances are there to fill in the gaps in the basic heath insurance. They reimburse certain services or medications that are not assumed by the compulsory care insurance. Their range of care is expanded and improves the quality of services for outpatient treatments: natural medicine, homeopathy, targeted treatments abroad, optical, dental, fitness, etc. Supplementary insurances also allow you to choose semi-private or private coverage in the event of hospitalisation.

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The Framework Agreement: “smart” insurance


What if insuring your business became child’s play, and taking out an insurance policy was just a matter of a few clicks? Utopia? Not at all. The dream becomes reality with a framework agreement. Here’s how:
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Pension Plan Innovation


Switzerland, renowned for its robust pension system, is facing major challenges as a result of its aging population and growing economic pressures.
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