
Actuarial consulting : a measure to improve risk management

We are living in a world that is constantly changing, ever more rapidly, that is living through periods of instability and even crises, more frequently than before. The fluctuation of the financial markets, the emergence of new risks, climate change and evolving society are all factors that can have a strong impact on corporate profitability. Added to this, constant regulatory and normative developments mean that in-depth knowledge of the areas of expertise, that are insurance and pension provisions, are requisite.
Acquiring devices for calculation and modelling and taking advantage of the advice provided by risk management experts are the key factors for any company or institution. We have developed these competencies at Swiss Risk & Care in order to provide support for our clients in their growth.

Our centres of expertise in actuarial counselling

We offer a wide range of additional, high added-value services:
Our news

The Framework Agreement: “smart” insurance


What if insuring your business became child’s play, and taking out an insurance policy was just a matter of a few clicks? Utopia? Not at all. The dream becomes reality with a framework agreement. Here’s how:
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Pension Plan Innovation


Switzerland, renowned for its robust pension system, is facing major challenges as a result of its aging population and growing economic pressures.
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